
Invalid Sudoku Puzzle Page

Demo of an invalid puzzle printed in today's Star Ledger (7/7)
This puzzle has more than one solution.
The Star Ledger acknowledged the error in the 7/8 edition, possibly in response to my email to Mr. Newhouse at 10:34 pm last night, 7/7.
The puzzle on this page was printed in the Star Ledger 7/7. However, the center square in the top left hand grid was blank. By clicking hint repeatedly, you can watch the program as it solves. The puzzle was invalid because it has more than one solution: you can see two of solutions on this page.
The program is still under development. Suggestions are welcome.     Home      Email for help: dblx@doublecrostic.com

This page create July 7 and last updated September 19, 2005